5 Weight Loss Tips For The Busy Urbanites In Singapore

Between balancing work, family, and our social obligations with a real need for rest, it can be challenging for us to dedicate time to eating well and exercising regularly. This makes it a real challenge for us to lose weight, let alone maintain our figure.
Are you in the same boat and wondering what you can do about your situation? Well, fret not. We have several helpful weight loss tips to keep your weight in check despite your busy schedule.
Tip #1: Never skip a meal
Many people equate dieting to skipping meals. However, that is a no-no! This is because we tend to overeat when we get too hungry. As a result, we end up consuming more calories. Instead of skipping meals regularly, we recommend eating healthy meals that are low in calories and fat and high in fiber.
If you find yourself getting hungry in the middle of the day, you should definitely drink our Mskinny slimming coffee and cocoa which will help to suppress your hunger and keep you full until meal times.
For those who do not take caffeine, you can try Mskinny Fat Flusher Jelly! Our yummy slimming jelly helps suppress hunger and flush out deposited fat, promoting fat loss and reducing your temptation to snack on food high in fat and sugar.
Tip #2: Prioritise food rich in protein
In addition to ingredients that are low in calories and high in fiber, you can consider incorporating more protein into your daily diet. When digested, protein produces peptides, which help block our MORs (mu-opioid receptors). This triggers our brain to limit food consumption and makes us feel full.
However, as with any diet, it is all about moderation. To ensure you get a well-balanced meal, consider various protein sources, such as protein-rich grains, fish, lean meat, and chicken. You may find that a protein-rich diet in combination with carb blockers is an effective way to lose weight.
Tip #3: Always squeeze in time for exercises
As a busy urbanite, it is tough to schedule time for a full-body workout daily. But you don’t need full-body exercise every day to lose weight. Even incremental exercise sessions (around 10 to 15 minutes) can be effective. Keeping your body moving more throughout the day, like taking the stairs rather than the elevator or simple stretching exercises, can also make a world of difference!
Tip #4: Keep an eye on your calorie intake
Are you someone who needs their morning coffee to get going? There is nothing wrong with that. However, the caffeinated drinks from our coffee shops and Starbucks often contain high amounts of milk and sugar, which are high in calories.
Why not consider a healthier alternative for your caffeine kick? Mskinny slimming coffee promotes gradual weight loss naturally. It also suppresses your appetite, so you eat/snack less.
Learn More: Slimming Coffee & Its Benefits: Try This Weight-Loss Coffee Today
Tip #5: Create a plan and stick to it
Once we get busy, our weight-loss goals often drop off our priority list rapidly. However, dedication is essential if you intend to lose weight. We recommend planning ahead, so you can set aside time to go to the grocery store and do some meal prep for the upcoming work week.
You can consider buying pre-cooked protein like cooked chicken breast and stocking your fridge with ready-to-eat healthy snacks such as carrots, celery sticks, and grape tomatoes. This way, your meals are prepared ahead of time, and you won’t be left feeling overwhelmed when your schedule is hectic.
Are you ready to take the next step? In that case, remember to keep our weight loss tips in mind! Also, don’t hesitate to stock up on our Mskinny coffee and slimming jelly to help with your weight loss programme. Visit our website today to learn more about our products!